JamSession Theme Documentation
von on April 21, 2013 in News

Creating Slides

Go to Slides -> Add New Slide. The following fields need to be filled:

1. Post Ttitle – this is the message that appears on the bottom right part of the slider.
2. Hide Title & Message – Allows you to hide the title and link message from the slider.
3. Message – Link Message that appears on the bottom right of the page.
4. URL – URL of the page that will be loaded when the visitor clicks on Message.
5. YouTube URL, Vimeo URL – If YouTube or Vimeo is present, the slider will show the play button, allowing the visitor to see the video in full screen. If both fields are filled, the slider will play YouTube.
6. Featured Image – This is the main slider image.

Featured image MUST be set, otherwise the slider will not appear on the front page.

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Die Himmelstöchter - A capella Ensemble aus Köln. Webseite gestaltet von Alexander Büche